Engage your employees who are CFA® charterholders or candidates in the Continuing Education Program. Join CFA Society Poland Employer Recognition Program and become our trusted partner.
CFA Society Poland Employer Recognition is a new form of cooperation between CFA Society Poland and employers. Our Society wants to recognise those employers who strive to raise their employees’ competences and provide them with complex development opportunities.
There are two paths that can be followed:
- Recognized Employer – given to employers who aim to raise their employees’ competences;
- Premium Recognized Employer – given to employers who aim to raise their employees’ competences who also become regularly involved with CFA Society Poland’s and CFA Institute’s initiatives.
Employer Recognition Program goals:
- To actively support employee development;
- To build partnership with organisations striving to provide development;
- To positively shape the image of employers through educational initiatives.
Benefits for employers:
- Stronger brand recognition among potential employees;
- Striving towards achieving pre-set goals and standards;
- Improving market competitiveness;
- Increasing trust towards their organisation;
- Receiving a certificate of participation;
- Invitation to a gala event and recognition during the event.
Program restrictions
There are no specific restrictions as to the size or kind of the company involved. The only requirement is that the organisations hire at least 2 CFA® charterholders or 2 candidates. Learn more about the Employer Recognition Program »
Employer Recognition Program timeline:
- Application form
- Application verification
- Meeting Employer representative
- Decision-making at CFA Society Poland’s board meeting
- Final decision – recognition with a certificate during a gala event or at Employer’s office
Who can nominate employers?
Employers can apply themselves by filing the application form or they can be nominated by their organisation’s employee.
How long is the accreditation valid for?
Employers are encouraged to be actively involved in the program for 2 years from being awarded the recognition. Each year CFA Society Poland reviews their performance in the context of the program.
Download the Employer Recognition Program application form »