At the 2021 CFA Society Poland Annual Conference a local CFA community and invited guests are more than welcome to join our workshops September 23, 2021 (you may participate online or offline).
CFA Society Poland is going to organize two unique and really interesting workshops for members and invited guests. The workshop part of the CFA Society Poland Annual Conference will be a hybrid event. The host will provide an access to workshops both online and offline. In this year's edition, one of workshops about ESG and a valuation will be led by an international expert — prof. Aswath Damodaran.
The Workshop Agenda:
1.30 PM CEST | Check-in at the hotel
1.30 PM — 2.30 PM CEST | Lunch
2.30 PM — 4.30 PM CEST | The Analytical Workshop by Christian Weber, PhD, CFA, EMEA Market Specialist Bloomberg LP: Bloomberg buy-side solutions for portfolio and risk management
1. Portfolio de-carbonization with PORT
2. Scenario stress testing and risk
3. Portfolio Optimization practical aspects
4.30 PM — 5 PM CEST | A Coffee Break
5 PM — 7 PM CEST | The Workshop by Prof. Aswath Damodaran, Stern School of Business, New York University: ESG. Over Sold, Over Hyped and Over the Top
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has become the hottest concept in business, with consultants, bankers and investors all looking to it, as the magic bullet. Along the way, it has brought with it some of the emptiest concepts in business, with sustainability taking a lead role. In this session, prof. Damodaran argue that the concept is not just flawed, but fatally so, for many reasons. First, "goodness" is in the eye of the beholder, and assuming that ESG services can somehow find consensus on society’s most debated questions is not delusional but dangerous. Second, the notion that being "good" will make companies more “valuable” is an assertion, not proof in itself. In fact, there is little evidence that being good makes companies more profitable and valuation, though there is some evidence that "not being bad" can be a risk-reducing strategy. Third, the promise that investing in good companies will deliver higher returns is just that, a promise, and the evidence on the link between ESG and returns is weak. In fact, almost all of the payoff from the ESG factor seems to come from tech companies looking better on ESG factors.
8 PM CEST | A Cocktail A cocktail evening for members and guests who will join the offline event
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Strategic Partner: UBS
Partners: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A., Dorsum, Invesco, The Warsaw Stock Exchange, Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A.
in brief